US: Obama commended for stance on equal marriage by 10-year-old’s letter

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

A 10-year-old in the US was surprised to get a reply to a letter she sent to President Barack Obama. She had written to tell him that she appreciated his acceptance of the love between same-sex couples.

Sophia Bailey-Klug, of San Diego, California, had previously written to the president to ask if he would like to come to dinner, but had not receive a reply. She wrote again to say that she was glad he supported equal marriage, and asked for advice about how to handle comments about her two dads from kids at school. Her letter read:

“Dear Barack Obama. It’s Sophia Bailey Klugh your friend who invited you to dinner. You don’t remember okay that’s fine. But I just wanted to tell you that I am so glad you agree that two men can love each other because I have two dad and they love each other.”

She said that some students found it “gross and weird” that her dads were married, and went on to ask advice on how to handle the situation:

“It really hurts my heart and feelings, so I come to you because you are my hero,

“I hope you win on being the president. You would totally make the world a better place,” the letter ended. “Please tell your daughters hi for me!”

Included with the letter was a drawing of her dads kissing, which had the word “love” written above it.

Around a week later, Sophia received a letter printed on presidential letterhead paper, which read:

“Thank you for writing me such a thoughtful letter about your family. Reading it made me proud to be your president and even more hopeful about the future of our nation.

“In America, no two families look the same. We celebrate this diversity,” The president continued. “And we recognise that whether you have two dads or one mom what matters above all is the love we show one another. You are very fortunate to have two parents who care deeply for you. They are lucky to have such an exceptional daughter in you.”

He also gave her advice on how to deal with her situation at school, saying “a good rule is to treat others the way you hope they will treat you.”

He finished by writing:

“Thanks again for taking the time to write me,” he continued. “I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to dinner, but I’ll be sure to tell Sasha and Malia you say hello.”

One of her fathers, Jonathan Bailey, wrote on his Facebook page that she had written the letter “unprompted” and it made he and his husband, her fathers, “so unbelievably proud.”

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