Attacked Alabama lesbian Mallory Owens: I still fear for my life

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Mallory Owens, an Alabama lesbian in Mobile who was allegedly attacked by her girlfriend’s brother Travis Hawkins Jr. on Thanksgiving Day says she still fears for her life.

At the end of last week, Ms Owens released a statement through US LGBT media watchdog GLAAD.

She said: “I was unconscious when the beating ended. I do not know what stopped him. I do know he has threatened to kill me before, he has attacked me with a metal pipe before, and on Thanksgiving Day he launched an unprovoked attack on me that left me unconscious, hospitalised, suffering horrific head trauma, severe injuries and in need of surgery and additional treatment”.

While Hawkins, 18, has been charged with second degree assault, Ms Owens said she and her family are now looking for an attempted murder conviction.

Ms Owens also claims that her girlfriend’s family “orchestrated the media representation” surrounding the event to best help their son.

The 23-year-old added: “I am fortunate that my family’s love for me is unconditional. I fell in love with a girl. My family loves, accepts and supports me.

“They have shown nothing but love and acceptance throughout my attack, my time in the hospital, and the investigation of this brutal attack, they have been there for me, loving me and supporting me.”

However, Ms Owens did not say whether the incident was motivated because of her sexuality.

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