Gay bareback porn star dies of HIV related complications

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Gay adult star Josh Weston (real name Chad) has died aged 39. He had previously starred in a string of bareback porn films for a variety of different porn houses.

Hot House, who produced some of the work he appeared in confirmed Weston’s death on their blog writing: “Adult Superstar Josh Weston succumbed to HIV-related complications on Sunday, December 16. He was 39 years old.

“Weston started his career in 2001 as a Falcon Exclusive, starring some of their biggest hits from the early 2000s. After leaving that contract went on to work with other studios including Hot House where he headlined our hits Trunks 3 and Communion. Always warm and friendly and ready to laugh, Josh was loved by many and will be missed by all.”

Weston had also appeared on a number of bareback porn films made for a company called Slut Machine. They included ‘F*ck Engine’ and ‘Bodybuilders Bareback’. It is not known whether Weston was living with HIV at the time of filming.

Since November it has been illegal for bareback porn to be filmed in California.

Before he died, Weston is reported to have been writing a memoir ‘Sleeping my Way to the Bottom’.

A contributor on the Kenneth in the 212 blog writes: “Josh Weston or Chad, which was his real name, was a kind and very intelligent man. He graduated from college, had a very impressive vocabulary, and wrote very insightful blogs on MySpace. I was lucky to be pen pals with him during a very difficult time in my life.

“He always wrote back to me and seemed to care about the hell I was going through. We spoke on the phone a few times back in 2006 when he was living in New York City. At that time he was still escorting but had left major studio porn. We never met and our last conversation on the phone had him packing up to move out west to join his sister on a business venture.

“He seemed ready to move on from the “adult performer” role and move into a different stage of life since he was now in his 30’s. I was surprised when I saw him appear in bare back films shortly after. In these films, he appeared ill and not really with it.

“I did sense loneliness and depression in some of our conversations. This is something that I believe many of us gay men deal with on different levels from time to time. I can’t say I knew him well, but I can say that he was kind, very sincere, very bright, and very beautiful. I tried numerous times to reach him via email and phone since 2006. It appeared that he “disappeared.”

“I’m very sorry to hear about his passing and hope that he now finds peace.”

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