Anonymous files death certificate for God Hates Fags leader & changes her PC background to gay porn

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

The hackers collective, Anonymous, has continued its battle with the Westboro Baptist Church, the home of the ‘God Hates Fags’ church, and claims to have changed the desktop background on its spokeswoman’s computer to gay porn.

Anonymous also said they had successfully filed a death certificate for Shirley Phelps-Roper, the outspoken representative of the church, which would prevent her from using her social security number, as well as updating her desktop to gay porn, Forbes reported.

Earlier this week, the hackers attacked the church’s website and begun posting the personal contact details of its main organisers after the church said it would picket the funerals of children murdered at the Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut.

The “hacktivist” group released a video on 18 December which gives notice of their plans to attack the church, and that they had no intention of reasoning with it.

The video warns the church of its impending “downfall”, and says that Anonymous will “dismantle the church.” It says:

“Your downfall is underway. Since your one-dimensional thought protocol will conform not to any modern logic, we will not debate, argue, or attempt to reason with you.” The alternative proposed by Anonymous said that they would “progressively dismantle your institution.”

On 18 December, the Anonymous Twitter account, @YourAnonNews, which was since suspended, and reactivated, tweeted:

“And thus; the whole of humanity’s wrath came down upon the Westboro Baptist Church. Woe unto those that disregard the innocent. #Anonymous

In 2011, the hacking group took down the main website of the church together with their other websites, including the charmingly named as well as,, and

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