New poll: Most Conservative voters support David Cameron’s same-sex marriage policy

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An ICM poll for the Guardian has found that 62% of all voters support gay couples being given the right to marry. A record 52% of Conservative supporters say they are in favour of David Cameron’s proposals.

The poll found that 67% of Labour voters support equal marriage, 71% of Liberal Democrat voters agreed and 52% of Conservative voters support David Cameron’s proposals. Just 42% of Conservative voters were opposed to the move giving the support for the policy a clear majority.

Just over a week ago, a poll for YouGov found that 46% of Conservative supporters were in favour of equal marriage.

The ICM poll found that 65% of women support marriage equality compared to 58% of men. The poll found the only age group to oppose the move was the over 65s, who were 58% to 37% in opposition. 77% of 18-24 year-olds support the moves.

Out4Marriage told “This is just the latest in a series of polls that demonstrate that proposals to give gay couples the freedom to marry enjoys widespread support. It is particularly encouraging that the level of support among Conservative voters continues to rise.”

A poll for the Independent found that 62% of voters said that they supported gay weddings in the Church of England.

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