US Radio host: Gay rights is killing children

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Linda Harvey, a host of the Ohio based Christian radio station WRFD has warned that the gay rights movement in the United States is leading children into sin and ultimately their untimely death.

The Christian radio host this month said that same-sex marriage encourages children to have gay sex and that gay people aren’t human and should therefore not be protected under the US constitution. She also claimed that Jesus could be forced to marry another man if he was resurrected.

In a recent programme, Mrs Harvey said: “The homosexual movement is pitching their movement to our kids. They for some reason are very anxious to sell our children on this.

“I think part of it is they believe this is the future of their movement if they sell people with misinformation, which is what it largely is at this point, and put conservative values on the defensive, then they will turn a whole generation around.”

Mrs Harvey claimed that gay rights is a “huge lie from the pit of hell.”

She argued that parents need to tell “children the truth, all of our children, the ones who are so sadly distorting themselves at this point in their lives; they’ve listened to these lies.”

She claimed that gay rights means that children are not being told “about another side, another beautiful, positive, life-enhancing, life-prolonging side and that’s traditional values. It’s not hateful; it is being misportrayed [sic] by those who are desperate to hang on to their sin and want to drag children, contrary to what Jesus wanted people to do with children, to drag children into it with them.”

Shockingly, she told her audience that gay rights is “killing our children, we’re killing their hearts, their spirits, their sensitivity to other people, we are giving them the tools to make it highly likely they will never have a happy, productive marriage in the future if they are already so hardened in their hearts to the beautiful, God-designed function of their bodies.

“This is heartbreaking, this is absolutely heartbreaking, I get choked up every time I think about how we are leading our children into sin. Jesus said do not lead little ones into sin, and why are we doing this? Why are we not out there fighting for our kids?

“I urge you to search your hearts and find a way to find it in your time to make a call, make a call on the Heartbeat Bill, make a call to your school and your school board president and make sure they are not allowing pro-homosexual programs in their schools.”

Unlike in Britain, under ‘free speech’ constitutional amendments, radio stations are given the right to broadcast discriminatory and homophobic content. In Britain, such a broadcast would unlikely have been allowed under the Broadcast Code. Just last week, the regulator Ofcom fined an Asian radio station for broadcasting that gay people are ‘evil” and “shameful”.

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