Chilean Bishop says gay ‘domestic partnerships bring the destruction of human beings’

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A Chilean Bishop spoke out earlier this week to say that domestic partnerships, as per recently proposed legislation, would bring the “destruction of human beings”.

The Catholic bishop of San Bernardo, Juan Ignacio González, declared in a hearing earlier this week that a proposed domestic partnership bill brings “destruction”, reports AfterMarriage.

He said that the proposed bill “brings the destruction of human beings and, although they deny it, destruction to social and family peace among men.”

Pablo Simonetti, president of Fundación Iguales, an LGBT rights campaign group, responded to the comments, saying the Bishop’s words were “apocalyptic”, and criticising him for his links to Opus Dei, a Catholic institution which has been accused of being aggressive and intense in its recruitment processes. He continued:

“The majority of Catholics in Chile realize the unjust situation that sexual minorities live with,” he said. “We should clearly differentiate the opinion of the Catholic hierarchy and the Catholic people.”

In 2009, Juan Ignacio González, advised a lesbian teacher who lost her teaching license, and her job, for coming out as gay to seek psychological help.

Last week, the issue of marriage equality became majorly divisive during the first televised debate between two potential presidential nominees for the Chilean Christian Democrat party.

On 12 July the Chilean President signed anti-discrimination legislation into law. The move came after the Neo-Nazi killing of a gay man, Daniel Zamudio, in March.

Mr Zamudio’s killing shocked Chile and sparked a national debate on hate crime. He suffered severe head injuries and his body was found in a city park with cigarette burns and swastikas carved in his skin.

Back in March, a gay judge won a custody case against the Chilean courts which had taken away her three daughters in 2004 believing her sexuality to put their development ‘at risk’.

This week, US anti-gay evangelist, Scott Lively, said in an interview that he thought gay rights were bringing the “wrath” of God, which is a sign that the world is nearing the “End Days”, just like before Noah’s flood.

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