Facebook post on anonymous Australian confession page boasts of anti-gay assaults

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An Australian Facebook page for anonymous confessions posted the story of a man who said he committed hate crimes, including assaults and robberies, by pretending to be gay.

The Facebook page titled Canberra Confessions, posted a story which boasted that the author had faked his sexuality in a Canberra nightclub in order to lure men outside and attack them, reports the Age.

The description on the page reads: “This is a page where you can tell your dirtiest, drunkest most revolting stories. INBOX US AND WE WILL POST TOTALLY ANONYMOUS!”

The anonymous post said that the author would go to a popular club in the city, Cube, and pretend to be gay. He would then lure the victims outside, assault and rob them.

The post said he had done it three times, and that that he intended to continue to do so. He wrote: “will keep doin [sic] it until the dirty c—- are eradicated from our streets.”

The post received about 32 likes and 79 comments, both in support and against, in the three hours it was online.
Facebook took down the post, which violated the social network’s standards, confirmed the page administrator.

A spokesman for the Australian Capital Territory Police, said: “Given the information provided, police are unable to establish the veracity of this material. Anyone who has been a victim of crime is encouraged to report it to ACT Policing.”

However, ACT Diversity president, Ian Goudie, said he knew of a man who was attacked after leaving the gay club.

Cube nightclub, the car park of which the assaults discussed in the post took place, said it was not aware of any similar incidents.

Despite the controversy caused by the post, the administrator of the page said he would continue to post the stories anonymously. He said:

“All confessions will be published regardless of entertainment value, moral fibre, political correctness or otherwise,” Canberra Confessions wrote.

“I do not condone or support anything that is posted, I just run the page.

“The goal of CC is to provide a platform for people from Canberra to get anything off their mind that they might not feel comfortable telling anybody else, whilst remaining totally anonymous.”

Since being established last Monday, the page had posted over 70 confessions, and had gained 1500 likes.


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