Guardian columnist Suzanne Moore attacks PinkNews

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Guardian columnist Suzanne Moore has launched an outspoken attack on PinkNews after it published a story about the killing of a trans woman in Brazil.

Linking to Wednesday’s story, Moore tweeted from her account @suzanne_moore

Read this piece of shit and Pink News will hear from my lawyers in the morning

I am back to sort this out and to play some music and cos I miss many good laughs and people that are here btw.”

@mjrharris no libel threats. I will just turn their balls in Tesco Value Burgers.

Thanks for support. I am trouble again already about Pink News joke – I dont have lawyers FFS but they are c*ntards

In response, PinkNews editor Scott Roberts, who wrote the story said: “I referred to Suzanne Moore in yesterday’s article about the killing of Cecilia Marahouse because her death should be viewed in the context of the media row, which Ms Moore found herself engulfed in last week, and continues to burn at this very moment due to the remarks of some of her colleagues at the Guardian and Observer. It all stemmed from Ms Moore’s use of the word ‘Brazilian transexual’.

“As has been stated several times, her use of the term was deemed offensive by many because of the appalling fact that so many trans people in Brazil are murdered each year. In 2012, the reported number of deaths was over 100 – and the true figure is likely to be much higher.

“At the very point of referring to Ms Moore in my article I instantly mentioned her apology – which was reported fully at the time by PinkNews last week, and welcomed by Trans Media Watch.

“Some have argued that mentioning Ms Moore in yesterday’s article was wrong, however, I believe it was appropriate and done in a responsible fashion.”

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