US: Pro-gay NFL player Chris Kluwe to release a book of ‘uncensored personal essays’

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Equal rights advocate and NFL football player, Chris Kluwe, is to release a book containing “uncensored personal essays” on a range of topics, after passionately defending equal marriage rights for gay people.

Chris Kluwe, a punter for the Minnesota Vikings football team, said he is to release a book of essays titled “Beautifully Unique Sparkleponies,” which will tackle subjects spanning from faith to human rights to government, and more, reports Salon.

The book is to be named after a tweet from independent news agency, Mother Jones, which said: “Chris Kluwe is a glimmering sparklepony of candor (and not afraid to dive fearlessly into the marriage equality debate.)”

Mr Kluwe, a punter for the Minnsota Vikings, made the headlines in September when he defended Brendon Ayanbadejo, a player for the Baltimore Ravens, against a call from Delegate Emmett C Burns Jr, to reprimand Mr Ayanbadejo, who recorded a video for a gay rights advocacy group last October.

In it, he wrote: “I can assure you that gay people getting married will have zero effect on your life. They won’t come into your house and steal your children. They won’t magically turn you into a lustful cockmonster.”

Chris Kluwe spoke about the possible marketing and endorsement opportunities, surrounding the first openly gay NFL player, whoever that may be.

Mr Kluwe previously responded to Matt Birk, a fellow NFL player who recorded a video opposing the amendment for equal marriage. In his response, Mr Kluwe said: “If you want us to understand why same-sex marriage is bad for kids, you need to provide some sort of substantial evidence”.

Chris Kluwe, later quit his blog at an online daily newspaper, due to an editorial published by the site’s editors which, he said, expressed an anti-equal marriage stance going against the political neutrality the site claimed to have.

In Orange County, where he is from originally, Mr Kluwe is to be honoured by an LGBT community group, for being an advocate of equal rights and equal marriage for the LGBT community.

Little Brown publishing has said the book will be released on 25 June.


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