Study: 47% of gay and bisexual men admit to bareback sex

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A new survey of gay and bisexual men commissioned in the US shows almost half report having unprotected sex at some point.

New York’s Community Healthcare Network (CHN) focused on men who use apps such as Grindr, Scruff and Manhunt to meet sexual partners for its survey of 725 men, Canadian website Xtra reports.

The focus of the survey, which received responses from men in Australia, South America, Eastern Europe, the UK, Canada, and predominantly in the US, was to gain insight into men’s perspectives on HIV and unprotected sex.

It also included an optional section asking respondents why they might take risks during sex.

81% of respondents know HIV is transmitted through “unprotected anal sex, vaginal sex and, less frequently, oral sex.”

However, almost 47% of respondents admit to barebacking “always, often or sometimes,” while almost 54% say they never have unprotected anal intercourse.

Renato Barucco, from CHN, said respondents have unprotected sex primarily because condoms don’t feel good (almost 85%); they act impulsively (74%); or they are under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

Given the high rates of at least occasional barebacking, the CHN researchers recommend increased use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) pills in the gay community.

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