Azealia Banks suggests British journalists should kill themselves

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Amid her recent homophobic tirade at US celebrity blogger Perez Hilton, rapper Azealia Banks also took the trouble to suggest that two British journalists should kill themselves.

Earlier this month, Banks got into an online spat with Hilton on Twitter, during which she called him a “messy faggot”, and suggested that he “kill himself”.

It was sparked after Hilton posted criticism of Banks’ feuds with other artists.

The 212 singer responded by calling him “dickbreath” before unleashing a further torrent of homophobic abuse.

When British journalist Patrick Strudwick called on Banks to apologise for her language on Twitter. Banks refused. She tweeted: “lol, absolutely fucking not. I meant that shit.”

Strudwick then received a barrage of anti-gay tweets from Banks’ supporters.

Later, the journalist tweeted: “How do you report abuse? Getting a tsunami of vicious attacks from fans of @AZEALIABANKS for challenging her over her homophobic language.”

Daily Mail journalist Rob Davies then responded to Strudwick’s and Banks’ comments by tweeting: “fans of who now? Sounds like the name of an old people’s home. ‘We’re putting mum in Azealia Banks. Very sad.’”

Banks then replied to both of them by tweeting: “wow…. You guys have THE WORST jabs [sic] EVER. You should both go kill yourselves.”

On Tuesday afternoon, Strudwick told PinkNews: “What matters here is that Azealia has a huge following of young fans, who will be influenced by her, many of whom will be vulnerable. Hearing one’s idol using homophobic language and then, on two occasions, goading someone to [die by] suicide, legitimises the worst kind of cyber bullying. I don’t need an apology, I’d like her to apologise to all her fans, promise to change her behaviour and make a donation to a suicide prevention charity.”

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