US radio host: ‘Gay activists want to spread deviant sexuality and are as intolerant as jihadists’

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A US radio host has appeared on a Christian radio show, and said that “gay activists” are “the most intolerant people on the planet”, and that they are “up there with the jihadists”.

Peter LaBarbera of the anti-gay group, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, appeared on the Janet Mefferd Christian radio show, and discussed a perceived change in the attitude of Christians, and suggested that it was not right that some had softened their stance on gay people.

LaBarbera said: “I think a weird version of Christianity is creeping in, you know, ‘who are we to judge’ and that whole tolerance thing. Look, the most intolerant people on the planet are the gay activists, maybe up there with the jihadists.”

The show’s host, Janet Mefferd questioned why there were protests against equal marriage in France, but none in the US.

Two weekends ago, as many as a quarter of a million people gathered in the French cities of Paris and Lyon yesterday to support plans to introduce same-sex marriage equality.

She said: “We are seeing this massive—as you said, this is becoming the issue, and we say this huge march in Paris a few weeks ago where you had over 1.5 million people marching against same-sex marriage in France of all places.

“In America, where are all the activists? Where are all the people on the right side of this issue? They exist, why are they being so quiet?”

In a different interview, he discussed the recent announcement that the Boy Scouts of America would vote on whether or not to drop its national policy banning gay volunteers, members and staff.

He suggested that if the Boy Scouts of America were to drop its anti-gay policy and allow gay staff, it would increase the risk of sexual abuse by scout leaders, reports Right Wing Watch.

He said: “We have to remember with this that if we have open homosexuality in the Scouts you’re talking about so-called gay boys coming out of the closet in their Scout troops, telling other boys in the unit about their homosexuality or their bisexuality.

“Do we really want that in the Scouts or should we just keep sexuality out of the Scouts? It doesn’t belong there, especially deviant sexuality, which is the homosexual activist movement.”

Earlier this week, the leader of the American Family Association said the Boy Scouts of America’s announcement that it might lift its ban on gay scouts could open its doors to paedophiles.

The hosts of a radio program on the American Family Association also spoke out against the Boy Scouts of America’s vote, saying that they should “shut her down” rather than allow gays in, and that these are signs of the “end times”.

A vote is expected from the BSA before Wednesday.

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