Feature: How the Cabinet will vote in tomorrow’s same-sex marriage bill

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Tomorrow’s vote on the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill will see most of the Conservative Liberal Democrat Coalition Cabinet coming out in support of same-sex marriage.

According to our research, here’s how the cabinet will vote. Where possible, click on the Cabinet minister’s name to find previous coverage of their support or opposition to equality.

In favour of same-sex marriage:-
Prime Minister – David Cameron
Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg
Foreign Secretary – William Hague
Chancellor of the Exchequer – George Osborne
Chief Secretary to the Treasury – Danny Alexander
Home Secretary– Theresa May
Business Secretary – Dr Vincent Cable
Justice Secretary ­­– Chris Grayling
Education Secretary– Michael Gove
Communities and Local Government Secretary  – Eric Pickles
Health Secretary – Jeremy Hunt
International Development Secretary– Justine Greening
Scottish Secretary– Michael Moore
Energy and Climate Change Secretary – Edward Davey
Transport Secretary – Patrick McLoughlin
Culture Secretary and Minister for Women and Equalities  – Maria Miller
Northern Ireland Secretary – Theresa Villiers
Minister without Portfolio – Kenneth Clarke QC
Leader of the House of Commons – Andrew Lansley CBE
Chief Whip – Sir George Young
Paymaster General – Francis Maude
Minister for Government Policy– Oliver Letwin
Minister of State at the Cabinet Office and the Department for Education – David Laws
Chairman of the Conservative Party – Grant Shapps
Faith and Communities Minister – Baroness Warsi
Universities and Science Minister – David Willetts

Work and Pensions Secretary –  Iain Duncan Smith QC (Mr Duncan Smith had implied his support for same-sex marriage prior to the decision to open up religious same-sex marriage)
Attorney General –  Dominic Grieve QC
Leader of the House of Lords – Lord Hill of Oareford

Welsh Secretary –  David Jones
Environment Secretary – Owen Paterson

Secretary of State for Defence – Phillip Hammond (Mr Hammond is understood to be out of the country during tomorrow’s debate and vote)

*Our list includes all of the MPs and Peers who have the right to attend Cabinet, not just Secretaries of State

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