UK: Rally lead by three main parties’ LGBT wings to be held at Westminster today

Out4Marriage – a leading equal marriage campaign group is supporting calls for a rally outside the Houses of Parliament, being lead by all the three main political parties LGBT wings.

The rally will start at 5pm this evening outside the Houses of Parliament and is open to the public.

James-J Walsh, Director Campaigns at Out4Marriage said: “We have the first vote tonight on equal marriage and it is as yet nowhere near guaranteed that today’s bill will make it unscathed through both Houses in the way that we would like it to.

“It’s important that we show the strength of support that is out there for full equality in the UK. As today’s debate rolls on we can expect to see bigoted backbenchers coming out with vitriolic comments as they did after Maria Miller launched the bill into the Houses of Parliament”.

It is suggested that 100 or more Conservative MPs will vote against the proposals today and that it will be Labour and Liberal Democrat MPs that will help carry the bill through to the next stages, despite David Cameron and other senior MPs  supporting it.

Already in today’s news John Whittingdale MP, who is the Chair of the Culture, Media, and Sport Select Committee has come out against equal marriage saying that ‘same-sex marriage will cause distress to many’.

The Out4Marriage group posted the PinkNews story to their Facebook with the comment “Could you imagine if this kind of comment was made about inter-racial marriage. We continue to seethe”.

Twitter has been alive with support for #EqualMarriage chatter today with the hashtag featuring in the top ten trends for most of the day.

The Peter Tatchell Foundation has also arranged a rally at the House of Commons today.

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