US: Gay porn star died by suicide aged 45 in New York home

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Hungarian-born porn star Arpad Miklos has been found dead in his New York City apartment, after an apparent suicide.

Miklos, whose real name is Peter Kozma, was found dead at his apartment on 3 February, he was 45-years-old.

Randal Lynch, a New York-based writer said: “He was a great guy on top of [being a porn star]. There was a lot more to him than just that surface persona, he was a very active person in the gay community.” Lynch confirmed that Miklos had left a suicide note.

Lynch went onto say that Miklos was a “hard nut to crack”, but added that Miklos “wasn’t happy”.

The Hungarian porn star starred in a music video for American singer Perfume Genius, which was subsequently banned from YouTube, bringing the porn actor into the limelight.

His death comes just over a month after the death of another gay porn star in the US, who died of complications attributed to HIV.

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