US Radio Host: Gay men only want to be scout masters to ‘be around young boys’

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A US Christian radio host has suggested that gay men would only want to be Scout Leaders in order to “be around boys”, and suggested a link between paedophilia and homosexuality, saying “gay men love youth”.

Yesterday, the Boy Scouts of American delayed a vote on whether or not to lift a ban on gay scouts, volunteers and staff, until May “due to the complexity of the issue”.

Two days earlier, responding to a letter from a listener named David who opposed the BSA’s ban, Sandy Rios, of the American Family Association, suggested that allowing gay men to be Scout Masters would put scouts at risk.

Ms Rios referred to Jerry Sandusky, a convicted paedophile who was married to a woman, and so wouldn’t have been affected by the ban on gay members.

She said: “If you know anything about this you know that gay men love youth. They may not all like prepubescent boys but they like youth, most of them like young men, that’s why they go into professions and work with boys, that’s why they become teacher and coaches and shall we say Jerry Sandusky priests?

“They go places where they can be around boys, that seems to be a favorite thing and if you think that’s not true you know it is true. Not all gay men are pedophiles but all male pedophiles who like boys are gay.

“It seems to be a problem in the gay community, not a problem shared by all of them but everyone that has a problem with this seems to be gay, so you figure that out.”

She went on to suggest that allowing gay Scout Masters would put boy scouts at risk of abuse.

She said: “I would have to say that zero percent of straight men are interested in boys, zero percent. So if anyone is going to straighten this out it just might be a straight man, not a gay man, that defies logic just a bit. By the way David, these are our children, these are our children and their safety and well-being trumps any desire of any gay man to be a Scout leader or a gay boy to be a Scout.

“If you want to be that and you can’t I’m sorry but we can’t all be what we want to be, we can’t put others at risk just because we want something.

“At least we used to understand that, now it’s like whatever you want to do you can do it and the rest of us be…you know what it shouldn’t be that way David, these are our kids and we’re trying to protect them.”

Earlier this week, the head of a Christian legal firm in the US said that the reason that the Boy Scouts of America may make moves towards dropping its ban on gay scouts was “spiritual pressure” from Satan.

Last week one US radio host said the scouts should “shut down” rather than allow gays in, and that these are signs of the “end times”, and another said that allowing gay scout masters would allow “gay activists” to “spread deviant sexuality”.

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