Kent: Bisexual councillor receives death threat letter

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A hand-written death threat letter has been sent to a bisexual Kent councillor who last year received a homophobic message on his mobile phone.

Last month John Worrow, an Independent councillor on Thanet District Council, announced that he plans to step down at the next election, citing “heterocentric” behaviour from fellow councillors as his reason for doing so.

Mr Worrow recently found himself under investigation for an incident in which he called several of his fellow councillors “homophobes” at a District Council meeting in July last year.

It was after he had received an abusive voicemail message from Conservative Councillor Ken Gregory, who told him “with a bit of luck, you’ll get aids.”

Mr Gregory was cautioned by police for leaving the homophobic message on Mr Worrow’s phone.

He was also suspended from Thanet’s Conservative group for six months, but cleared of misconduct by the council.

Thanet Council was the second council in England to vote in favour of the government’s equal marriage proposals in April 2012.

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