US Radio Host: Gay rights should not ‘trump the rights of Christians’ to not see gay people

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A US Christian radio host has spoken out about a school at which some students requested a heterosexual-only prom, and said that “not everybody wants to see” gay people.

Janet Mefferd, speaking on her own radio show, called the US public school system “morally bankrupt”, and went on to say that Christians should remove their children from public schools and “let them do their thing”.

She was commenting on the case of Sullivan High School in the US state of Indiana, which came under the spotlight after some students and parents urged for gay people to be banned from attending a prom, and called for a separate heterosexual-only event.

Ms Mefferd said: “Everything is so upside down in our society now and right and wrong have completely switched where what is really wrong is to say you shouldn’t have two boys allowed to go to the high school prom.

“Now we can get into a big issue of the public schools are morally bankrupt at this point and we all ought to exit and just let them, let them do their thing, and that may be the ultimate answer; on the other hand, I feel for these Christian kids who are in a prom or kids who are at this high school who say, ‘you know something, do we have to go down this road?’

She went on to suggest that some Christians would not want to see gay couples, and asked why gay rights should “trump” the rights of Christians not to have to, reports Right Wing Watch.

“Whether the homosexual activists like it or not, and I know this isn’t politically correct to say this, but not everybody wants to see that. I know that that’s offensive to the activist crowd, they want us all to see it, they want us all to approve of it, they want us all to call it blessed and okay and rejoice and have parties and throw confetti in the air over this whole thing. But the fact of the matter is it’s a moral issue.”

She concluded: “You will always have Christians who will disagree with this and why should the rights of the activists trump the rights of Christians?”

Mefferd’s radio show previously hosted Peter LaBarbera of the anti-gay group, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, who said that “gay activists” are “the most intolerant people on the planet”, and that they are “up there with the jihadists”.

On Friday, a school district in the US state of Missouri overturned a policy which banned same-sex couples from attending school proms together, a day after it was threatened with legal action.

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