Derren Brown dismisses claims that he would like to turn a gay man straight for a TV stunt

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Illusionist Derren Brown has denied reports that he plans to use his powers of suggestion to change people’s sexuality.

On Tuesday morning, the showman described the Sun’s story as “made up”, saying that an original interview he had given to Gay Times (GT) was misconstrued by the tabloid newspaper.

Speaking on Twitter Brown said: “It’s odd, seeing as in the original GT article I said changing sexuality WOULDN’T work.”

The 41-year-old gay hypnotist added: “Still, it was a bit of intrigue over breakfast.”

When asked by GT “Could Derren fulfil one of the ultimate gay male fantasises – live on air! – and turn a straight man gay?”

Brown replied: “I was thinking about this the other day, would there ever be a show on that. It would be interesting wouldn’t it – take a gay guy and make him straight and a straight guy; make him gay. I don’t think so. I think you’d only be able to achieve a kind of effect for a short period of time, but it would probably be more about role playing, not advertently in a sexual sense but I’m not really sure how long it would last for.

“But I was thinking, would there ever be a plot in here for a show? Maybe.”

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