Huddersfield: Gay man suffers broken nose and teeth in random attack

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A man has been arrested in connection with an alleged homophobic assault in Huddersfield.

Antony Lunn was assaulted in the early hours of Sunday 24 February at the New Union Pub on New Street, Huddersfield.

Mr Lunn said to “I was randomly attacked for being gay in the bar which is supposedly a gay bar. I was attacked by a male who was heavily under the influence of alcohol and drugs for being gay.

“I sustained a badly broken nose, three broken teeth, a possible fractured cheek bone, two black eyes and multiple bumps and cuts.”

Police have since arrested and bailed a man in connection with the incident which was captured on CCTV.

Anyone with any information should contact West Yorkshire Police.

The incident number is 200 of 24/02/2013 and the crime reference number is: 13130082215



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