Video: Girl performs homophobic rap which claims homosexuality is a choice

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A video of a girl performing a homophobic rap has gone viral, some critics hailing it for its entertainment value and irony, as she claims to be speaking out of “love” but that homosexuality is a choice, and that it is “fake”.

In the video, titled ‘Rated T for Tolerance’, which has been heavily criticised, however which has gone viral because of the irony behind it, a girl stands in a woodland area and performs a poem to music during which she claims homosexuality is a choice, and that homosexuality is a “counterfeit” of heterosexuality.

The girl performing begins by saying: “Don’t propagate your hate, because I have a higher standard on who you date,”

“I’m not here to rally against that which the government legislates, I simply don’t support a mind that is reprobate. Homosexuality is not innate. It is not a genetic trait. It cannot replicate the love between a man and a woman which God did indeed create,” she continues.

She then claims, in the rap, that she is speaking from a place of “love” and that she wants to stop gay people from having to “bake in the lake of fire for love’s sake.”

“Homosexuality can only imitate. It will always be a counterfeit, a fake,” she continues.

She then claims that homosexuality is a choice, and that there is no genetic element to being gay. She says: “Every person has the power to regulate the choices that they make… It’s always a choice with whom you fornicate.”

The performer, who reportedly has a background in psychology, goes on to say that the media is trying to “educate that this behaviour is something we must tolerate. … This is not to discriminate, but to demonstrate that same-sex relations devastate the health of many. And to advocate for this lifestyle is considered love? And to go against it is labeled hate? It’s like they don’t see what’s at stake until it’s too late.”

She concludes by questioning that there are “two gates, one that is golden and one that separates. So what will it be? Your mate, or your fate?”

Jesus didn’t come to make our lives fair, but to set us free.

The description for the video said: “To become born again and have our mind renewed through Christ is true Freedom through Righteousness; not Equality through fairness. Love is not a right; it is a God-given privilege bought at an extreme price — death on a cross.

“Jesus freely gave His life for you and me so we can have the privilege to be with Him in Heaven. God only ordains, blesses, and accounts for marriage as being a covenant between a husband and wife. Society, however, will always find cheap imitations of the real thing, promote it, then sell it. Realize this is not hate speech, I speak every word out of love. Love is a choice.”

Two weeks ago, American rapper Azealia Banks, turned her attention to gay rights groups after receiving heavy criticism for an argument with blogger Perez Hilton, during which she called him a “faggot” for a second time.

Previously the rapper, who was criticised in January for her use of the word “faggot” in a Twitter argument with Perez Hilton, again used the slur, and stirred up controversy.

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