Advertisers shun James Franco over gay films

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Actor James Franco has revealed that he’s lost advertising deals because of his involvement in films featuring gay sex.

The Oz the Great and Powerful star recently produced Kink, a documentary about a hardcore porn studio, and directed Interior: Leather Bar – which features gay sex scenes.

Franco said: “I was supposed to do a commercial with this company and they pulled out because they weren’t happy, they didn’t like the subject matter of the films.

“It was a champagne company. You’d think they’d be grown up enough. But I’ve had it happen with this company and a car company as well.”

Speaking to Attitude magazine, the 34-year-old insisted that he would never let advertising deals tailor his acting choices: “If I’m at the threshold of doing a project and the question comes up, ‘Will this be harmful to your career?’, I never want that to be a deciding factor.”

Earlier this month, in a preview of the Attitude interview, Franco said that he had no problem with people questioning his sexuality.

“It’s not something that bothers me in the slightest,” he said.


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