London: Mayor’s office accused by charity of failing to provide funding for male sexual assault services

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Services for gay, bisexual and heterosexual men who have been the victims of sexual assaults are not receiving any financial support from the Mayor of London’s Office, Survivors UK has warned.

The charity has accused Mayor of London Boris Johnson of failing to provide funding to help more than 8,000 men in the capital who are victims of sexual assault or the estimated 300,000 adult male survivors of childhood sexual assault.

Survivors UK said: “In his previous term, the mayor provided more than £1.74 million to develop and enhance services exclusively for female victims of sexual violence (both women and girls). In the same period the mayor provided £0 towards supporting the hundreds of thousands of male victims in London.”

Survivors UK added: “In the coming financial year, the first of his new term as mayor, Mr Johnson has committed more than £800,000 to continue funding existing, female only service provision. Once again, the sum dedicated to supporting men is £0.”

In response, a spokesperson for Mr Johnson said to “The mayor is determined to ensure London has an effective support system for all victims of sexual violence. As part of a review into funding, the mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime will be looking at a wide range of sources, and has encouraged London’s boroughs to increase their contributions to make sure all victims of sexual violence have access to the right level support.

“MOPAC has invited Survivors UK to be part of this review.”

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