Video: Bryan Fischer says equal marriage would be ‘an inequality under the law’

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The American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer, has spoken on the organisation’s radio program Focal Point, to say that equal marriage would be a “special right” for gay people, and that it represents an “inequality” in the law.

He says: “Homosexuals can get married everywhere, just like everybody else to one, adult, non-relative member of the opposite sex. They had that right yesterday, they have it today, and they will have it tomorrow.

“That is full, absolute equality under the law. But the reality is that homosexuals do not want equal rights, because they already have that. They want special rights. Rights that are based exclusively on abhorrent sexual behaviour.”

Fischer goes on to say that gay people expect special treatment, and compares homosexuality with paedophilia and polygamy.

“They are in fact pressing for inequality under the law since they expect a special carve-out in the law that is not available to paedophiles and polygamists. Paedophiles would like to marry children. They can’t. There’s no carve out for them. There is no special right for paedophiles to marry children.

“You get that in an Islamic country, but you can’t get that in the United States of America.

“There is no carve-out for polygamists to marry more than one person at a time, so what homosexual activists are pressing for is not equality under the law, it is inequality under the law.

“They want special carve-outs for them that are not available to other people who likewise engage in sexually abnormal behaviour.”

Last week, Fischer said that the NFL should not allow openly gay football players, as they would cause a “grenade-like explosion”.

Fischer previously blamed a gay “lobby” for “destroying” the US military, and has said that peoples’ daughters will be drafted into the army “to die” because of gay people. 

Fischer also recently said the Boy Scouts of America’s announcement that it might lift its ban on gay scouts could open its doors to paedophiles.

Bryan Fischer previously came to the defence of an anti-gay evangelist who is being sued for supporting a Ugandan bill to intensify punishments for homosexuality, and claimed that “the left” is trying to “destroy” him. 

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