Canada: Gay glossy to cease publishing due to financial problems

PinkNews logo on a pink background surrounded by illustrated line drawings of a rainbow, pride flag, unicorn and more.

A gay magazine in Canada will stop being sold from next month due to financial pressures.

After 19 years on shelves, Fab magazine, Toronto’s guide to everything LGBT will no longer be available.

The magazine, which is produced by Pink Triangle Press announced the closing on Tuesday in a blog post by its editor Phil Villeneuve.

In his announcement, Mr Villeneuve called for all gays across the greater Toronto area to dress in black to commemorate the closing of the magazine.

He said: “It’s with a very heavy, but hopeful, heart that I announce Fab magazine will cease publication this spring.”

The first issue of Fab was published for the Toronto Pride weekend in 1994 and the magazine covered everything from politics to fashion to social issues.

Mr Villeneuve said: “Always with its glittering finger on the pulse, Fab has been guided by a juicy handful of editors and supported by a talented army of columnists, freelance writers, photographers and designers — each and every one committed to having a good time and letting boys across the city, and for a time across the country, know how great it is to be gay.”

The editor blamed the realities of the print publication world on the demise of the free glossy.

He explained: “Today, the press simply can’t afford to keep the magazine running. Despite the contributors, content and the amazing people that fill its pages, it’s time to say farewell.”

Fab plans to say goodbye with a “great big party” and a final “goodbye issue” to be released on 24 April.

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