Video: Colombian model claims that eating chicken injected with hormones turns boys gay

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A Colombian model has taken to the country’s capital to make claims that boys eating chickens treated with hormones “turns” them gay, and that people need to be careful what they eat.

Natalie Paris, 39, a popular model and animal rights activist, was filmed by Colombian television channel CaracolTV, outside a store, where she greeted fans, in the country’s capital Bogota.

“These seven, eight, nine and 10 year old children [who eat the chicken] are having their feminine hormones accelerated… and are starting to become homosexual,” she says.

“That’s why those boys who are eating those chickens… they’re starting to turn into homosexuals,” said Paris, going on to claim that people need to be more careful about what they eat.

She goes on to claim that girls aged seven to ten also develop earlier because the hormones in the poultry cause puberty to take place sooner.

The model came under heavy criticism from Facebook users for her comments, and the National Federation of Colombian Poultry Farmers (FENAVI) expressed their distaste at her claims.

Dismissing what Paris said as “urban myths”, FENAVI president Andres Fernando Moncada said: “When you hear this kind of a statement from a public figure like Natalia Paris, we must express our total outrage.”

The model’s comments caused outrage, however she is not the first to make similar sentiments. Back in 2010, the president of Bolivia backtracked, and said that remarks he made about eating chicken turning men gay were “misconstrued”.

Evo Morales caused shock when he told a conference on climate change: “The chicken we eat is loaded with female hormones. So, when men eat it, they tend to deviate from their manhood.” He also said eating chicken leads to baldness.

Upon the Bolivian president’s comments, Cesar Cigliutti, president of the Comunidad Homosexual Argentina said his comments were “absurd”.

“It’s an absurdity to think that eating hormone-containing chicken can change the sexual orientation of a person,” he said, according to the Guardian. “By following that reasoning, if we put male hormones in a chicken and we make a homosexual eat it he will transform into a heterosexual.”


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