Gay Tea Party co-founder: I oppose equal marriage doing so is ‘not homophobic’

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An openly gay co-founder of the US National Capital Tea Party Patriots, has said he is opposed to equal marriage, and has said that it is “not homophobic” to oppose it.

Doug Mainwaring, who is openly gay, and a co-founder of the conservative political movement, spoke at the National Organisation for Marriage’s rally in Washington DC yesterday and said that he did not support equal marriage rights, amidst Supreme Court hearings around the issue.

He went on to say “that gay marriage will ‘undefine’ children.”

“As a gay man, I can state categorically, it is not homophobic to oppose same-sex marriage. To the Supreme Court, legislators and jurists around the country: Slow this train down,” he said.

He said his stance on equal marriage was not to do with rights, however was about the definition of the word marriage.

In a statement published earlier this month by Mainwaring, he wrote, “I wholeheartedly support civil unions for gay and lesbian couples, but I am opposed to same-sex marriage. Because activists have made marriage, rather than civil unions, their goal, I am viewed by many as a self-loathing, traitorous gay. So be it. I prefer to think of myself as a reasoning, intellectually honest human being.

“The notion of same-sex marriage is implausible, yet political correctness has made stating the obvious a risky business. Genderless marriage is not marriage at all. It is something else entirely.”

He concluded by saying: “Marriage is not an elastic term. It is immutable. It offers the very best for children and society. We should not adulterate nor mutilate its definition, thereby denying its riches to current and future generations.”

The US Supreme Court Justices on Wednesday indicated a possible interest in striking down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), as it heard arguments around the issue.

This was the second day of hearings, as Tuesday the court heard arguments around Proposition 8, the state of California’s ban on equal marriage. Then the justices questioned the meaning of marriage, and challenged arguments for the ban. 

A decision by the Supreme Court in both cases is expected by the end of June.

Victoria Jackson, the former Saturday Night Life actress-turned Tea Party activist, spoke on the Howard Stern show about her opposition to equal marriage, saying that she doesn’t believe in it. 

Earlier this week on The Daily Show, Jon Stewart was heavily critical of some arguments heard in the US Supreme Court around equal marriage in the first two days of hearings.




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