Cleo Rocos: We imagined ‘Future Queen Dies In Gay Bar Brawl’ headlines over Princess Diana drag disguise

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Comedian Cleo Rocos has elaborated on her claims that, along with Freddie Mercury and Kenny Everett, she snuck Princess Diana into a London gay bar disguised as an “eccentrically dressed gay male model”.

Rocos, 50, spoke to Gaydio about the revelation, made in her serialised autobiography published in The Sunday Times last month.

She said that what began as a quiet lunch culminated in the three celebrities dressing Diana in an army jacket, a leather cap concealing her hair, and dark aviator sunglasses, in order to sneak her into the bar.

In the interview she revealed that the night had started out as a normal get together between Princess Diana, Rocos and Everett.

“On one occasion we ended up at Kenny’s flat in Kensington,” said Rocos. “That night Kenny and I were supposed to be going out with Freddie [Mercury]. We were going out to the Vauxhall Tavern.

“I made a little champagne cocktail in the kitchen, and when I came out they were dancing to The Gypsy Kings, and Kenny had this large feather duster collection and he was wafting them about… It was a very camp afternoon.”

Rocos added that they had initially been wary of the idea of Princess Diana’s request to join them in a gay bar.

“Diana said, ‘What are you all wearing to go out?’, and Kenny said, ‘I’m wearing this [camouflage jacket]’, and she said, ‘Can I try it on?’

“She tried on the jacket and, being tall, it seemed to fit her absolutely beautifully. Then she tried on a leather cap and put aviators on and tucked her hair up, and said, ‘I want to come too.’

“We thought she was joking and said ‘No, of course you can’t, it’s a really rough place with lots of hairy men.’ It wasn’t really rough, but when you’re a princess it’s rough.

“Kenny was saying, ‘You can’t, because I can just see the headlines in the next morning’s press: Future Queen Dies In Gay Bar Brawl.’

“Freddie said, ‘Go on, let the girl have some fun.’ So we did, we took her in. She only wanted to come long enough to order a drink, and then she said, “I’ll leave”. But, to our astonishment, nobody even slightly rumbled her. They weren’t expecting to see Princess Diana.”

Rocos described Diana’s appearance as “a very young, chiselled, handsome cover model.”

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