Rock star Josh Homme: When Elton John offered to feature on my album I thought it was a joke

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Expressing his surprise at Elton John’s desire to perform on his band’s album, Josh Homme said he thought someone was playing a trick on him when he picked up the phone to the Tiny Dancer star.

Homme, of the band the Queens of the Stone Age has confirmed that Sir Elton will make a guest appearance on the band’s upcoming album, ‘…Like Clockwork’ but initially couldn’t believe that he wanted to be a part of it.

Speaking to XFM, Homme said: “[Elton] was in a car listening to Them Crooked Vultures and his assistant said, ‘You need to hear Queens.’ The guy driving the car was an old roommate of mine! So all of a sudden I get a phone call at my house on a Sunday.

“I picked up and he said: ‘Hello Josh, this is Elton.’ I thought someone was messing with me. He said, ‘The only thing missing from your band is an actual queen!’ I said, ‘Honey, you have no idea.'”

Other artists featured on the album will be Trent Reznor, of Nine Inch Nails, and Scissor Sisters singer Jake Shears, as well as Alex Turner of the Arctic Monkeys.

Shears recently weighed in on a controversy with rapper Azealia Banks, who called Perez Hilton a “faggot” on Twitter, when he tweeted her.

He wrote” “Oh yeah. ‘Faggot.’ Totally cool. Give me a fucking break… It all about context. And right now I’m sorry, but context is not on your side.”

Former England rugby player Ben Cohen recently said that Elton John “changed his life” by convincing him to get a hearing aid, and said that Sir Elton does more charity work than people realise.


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