Two years on and still no justice for South African lesbian murder victim Noxolo Nogwaza

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Family, friends and campaigners are remembering Noxolo Nogwaza, a young lesbian in South Africa, who was raped and murdered two years ago this week after a night out with friends.

A mother, football player, and human rights activist, the body of the 24-year-old was found dumped in a drainage ditch in KwaThema township, near Johannesburg on 24 April 2011.

It is believed that she was targeted because she was a lesbian and an active campaigner for LGBT rights.

Noxolo’s murder remains unsolved.

On Wednesday, Amnesty International said on its UK website: “Raped, beaten, stabbed – but why won’t South Africa’s authorities fully investigate and solve Noxolo’s case? In two years, there has been no progress in the investigation into her murder and Noxolo’s killer(s) remain at large.” 

Despite having a fully inclusive constitution, LGBT people in South Africa face enormous amounts of violent homophobia.

In April, the government stated its opposition to homophobic violence, following an attack on a gay man in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, which left him missing part of one ear.

Last October, Amnesty International detailed how LGBT citizens were now at greater risk of attacks in South Africa’s rural townships.

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