US radio host: Ohio school had “no option but to fire” teacher for being gay

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A US radio host has spoken out about the recent sacking of a lesbian teacher in the US state of Ohio, because she named her partner in her mother’s obituary, to say the school had “no option but to fire her”.

Carla Hale was dismissed from Bishop Watterson High School last month when officials found out she was gay through her mother’s obituary.

Speaking on her radio bulletin, Linda Harvey, of Mission America, praised the school for sacking Hale, and said that she deserved to be dismissed because of her sexuality.

“As difficult as it is to lose one’s job, people are fired for insubordination all the time,” she said. She went on to say that the school had  “no option but to fire her” for being a lesbian.

Harvey went on to say that Hale held an “unbiblical” view of homosexuality, and that she did not deserve “special treatment”, and so deserved to be dismissed, reports RightWingWatch.

“By her example she is misleading children into accepting what God has clearly called sinful,” Harvey continued, “It’s another sad day friends when everything seems upside down.”

Following the death of her mother in March Hale took time off work, and during that time she wrote an obituary for her late mother in which she named her partner, Julie, as a survivor.

On returning to work she learned that a parent of one of her students had read the obituary and complained to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Colombus, which governs her school. She was fired shortly after.

Students and supporters rallied behind Hale, saying she should be reinstated to the post, and a petition currently has 110,000 signatures in support of her reinstatement.

Catholic bishop Frederick Campbell, however, said that maintaining the Catholic values of the institutions under his guidance explained why he thought Carla Hale had to go.

Last week, Harvey asked what the “monster” Boy Scouts of America’s leaders will “say to Jesus when the meet him”, if they allow gay members.

She also recently attacked the Girl Scouts of the USA, claiming that it “supports homosexual lifestyles”, because it “features homosexuals in some of their materials”.

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