UK: Same-sex marriage supporting MPs selected for Queen’s Speech Loyal Address

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

Liberal Democrat MP Stephen Williams and Conservative MP Peter Luff – who both have voted for marriage equality – have been selected for the Loyal Address during proceedings for tomorrow’s Queen’s Speech.

Mr Luff and Mr Williams were among 400 MPs to vote in favour of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples Bill) in February’s second reading.

Days later Mr Luff revealed he had received a flood of homophobic letters and emails because of his decision to vote in favour of the bill.

Mr Williams is openly gay and served on the committee taking the Marriage (same sex couples) bill through the Commons.

Parliamentary debate of this year’s Queen’s Speech begins after the Loyal Address has been moved by the two MPs.

The speeches are usually non-party political and humorous, and give the two members the chance to air constituency matters.

The leader of the opposition then comments on the contents of the legislative programme, followed by the prime minister, who defends the government’s policies. After this, backbenchers may speak.

PinkNews revealed last Friday that tomorrow’s Queen Speech by the 87-year-old monarch is unlikely to mention the Coalition Government’s commitment to equal marriage.

A Downing Street source told PinkNews, with the bill already going through Parliament, it doesn’t need to be mentioned during the ceremonial occasion.

The bill is due before the House of Lords this month and the source said it was expected that its passage through Parliament would be complete before the summer recess.

Liberal Democrat leader and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg told PinkNews last December that he was hopeful the first same-sex marriages would be able to take place by the summer of 2013.

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