Boy George: ‘I wish David Cameron had put gay marriage in the Queen’s Speech’

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Singer Boy George has expressed his disappointment that the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill was not included in the Queen’s Speech.

Ahead of last week’s speech a Downing Street source told PinkNews, with the bill already going through Parliament, it did not need to be mentioned in the ceremonial occasion.

The House of Commons will debate the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill as part of its third reading on Monday 20 May and Tuesday 21 May.

Having travelled to many countries lacking LGBT rights, Boy George also believes gay men in the UK are lucky but “we shouldn’t have to feel lucky.”

In an interview with the London Evening Standard, the Culture Club star said: “I am shocked we are still having debates like gay marriage. On one hand, I think it’s very conservative to want to get married, that it’s a case of ‘if we’re more like them, they’ll like us more’. But on the other hand, who cares?”

“The idea that it is somehow going to destroy civilisation is so retarded. Nigel Farage said Cameron was ‘wasting his time’ on gay marriage. Is he stupid? Why should we feel privileged to have equality? I would never vote Tory but I wish Cameron had put it in the Queen’s Speech.”

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