US: Michele Bachmann will not seek re-election to Congress

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Anti-gay Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann says she will not run for another term in the US House of Representatives.

The tea party favourite, who ran for the Republican presidential nomination last year, announced her decision on her website on Wednesday.

Bachmann says her decision not to run again in 2014 was “not influenced by any concerns about … being re-elected.”

Her 2012 presidential campaign is the subject of inquiries into whether a campaign adviser received improper payments, including with funds from a conservative fundraising committee.

In addition to her staunch opposition to equal marriage, she and her husband were seen as being advocates of gay conversion therapy.

In July 2011, Marcus Bachmann denied the claims.

He described gay people as “barbarians” who need to be “disciplined” during a radio interview the previous year.

The Bachmann’s were also criticised for attacking state spending while their family-run Minnesota clinic received state and federal payments.

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