Church of Scotland: Ten Congregations set to split in rows over gay ministers

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Following the dispute over allowing ministers in same-sex relationships, up to ten congregations are now set to leave the Church of Scotland.

The congregation of Stornoway’s High Church voted to break away from the Church of Scotland at a special ballot on Tuesday night.

The Church of Scotland said on Wednesday that around ten of its 1,400 congregations have now considered leaving after the General Assembly’s decision to allow to allow ordaining ministers in same-sex relationships.

Two congregations have already left the Church of Scotland over the issue.

Last year the minister of St George’s Tron Church in Glasgow and 500 members of the congregation left and earlier this year the congregation of Gilcomston South Church in Aberdeen followed them. Edinburgh’s Holyrood Abbey Church is also set to leave the Kirk.

A spokesperson for the Church of Scotland said: “Although we understand only around ten out of 1,400 congregations are considering leaving, we value the fellowship we share with all our members and would be sad if they left.

“We believe any decision to leave would be premature as the Church at its recent General Assembly decided to uphold its traditional doctrine on ministers in same-sex relationships while taking longer to consider whether to allow individual congregations the option of calling a minister in a same sex relationship. No final decision has been made.”

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