Video: Scottish Government says ‘It’s Time’ for equal marriage

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

Scotland’s Health Secretary Alex Neil has released a video on behalf of the Scottish Government to mark the introduction of the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Scotland) Bill in the Scottish Parliament.

In the video message to equal marriage campaigners Alex Neil MSP, the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing, who holds overall responsibility for equality in Scotland, thanks campaigners for their work in helping to deliver the bill.

Mr Neil goes on to make the case for equal marriage in Scotland, saying: “We’re doing it because it’s the right thing to do. We want to build a new Scotland that’s fair and tolerant – one which is fit for the 21st century.”

He challenges the notion that marriage is simply about gender, stating: “You know marriage isn’t about gender, it’s about love, and this bill is about love. It’s about the freedom of people to express that love in a lifetime bond. And that is what we are doing today, this momentous day, in which we are launching this bill to make sure that the future of Scotland is a fair and tolerant society – one where we can all be proud of how we treat each other.”

At the end of the video message the MSP holds up an ‘It’s Time’ sign as a nod to the Equality Network’s new It’s Time video campaign, designed to bolster support for marriage equality in Scotland. 

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