Prop 8 supporters accuse court of ‘lawlessness’ for allowing resume of same-sex weddings

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Supporters of the now defunct Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriages in the US state of California, have claimed that the courts have acted in a “lawless” way, following the resume of same-sex weddings in the state.

The first same-sex wedding took place between the plaintiffs who brought the case against Prop 8 on Friday, as the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday gave the green light for same-sex weddings to resume.

The US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday lifted its stay on an injunction, which had ordered state officials to stop enforcing Prop 8, meaning marriage licenses could immediately be issued to same-sex couples.

Andy Pugno, general counsel for ProtectMarriage, said the 9th Circuit should have waited 25 days following the Supreme Court decision, in order to allow his group the “right to ask for reconsideration.”

“This outrageous act tops off a chronic pattern of lawlessness, throughout this case, by judges and politicians hell-bent on thwarting the vote of the people to redefine marriage by any means, even outright corruption,” he said in a statement.

“The resumption of same-sex marriage this day has been obtained by illegitimate means. If our opponents rejoice in achieving their goal in a dishonorable fashion, they should be ashamed,”  he continued.

The 9th Circuit had originally announced that it would take 25 days in order for same-sex weddings to resume, after the Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that it had no jurisdiction to rule in the case.

The court, however, dissolved the stay, which was blocking same-sex weddings from resuming, on Friday.

Some opponents to equal marriage had argued that the case taken to the Supreme Court only applied to the two couples who brought it, and some have asserted that they will continue to fight against marriage equality.

California Attorney General Kamala D Harris officiated at the ceremony on Friday, and tweeted: “About to marry the #Prop8 plaintiffs Kristin Perry and Sandra Stier. Wedding bells are ringing!”

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