US: Former Boy Scout plans to create new youth group banning gay members

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

John Stemberger, an attorney responsible for setting up a group to oppose the Boy Scouts of America’s (BSA) acceptance of gay members, has said he now has plans to start a youth organisation.

The group will form an alternative to BSA, which caused controversy earlier this year by deciding to allow openly gay youths to join up. BSA did, however, maintain its ban on gay adult Scout Leaders.

In March Mr Stemberger, an Eagle Scout, launched the group On My Honor to oppose gay BSA membership.

Texas businessman and fellow Eagle Scout Gerry Cates said he supports the work of Mr Stemberger and On My Honor.

“The whole thing makes me angry,” he told Dallas News. “I think the scout leadership caved to gay politics and ruined the whole deal.”

“I’ve got a 7-year-old grandson in Cub Scouts,” he added. “When he gets old enough for Boy Scouts, what do you do about a 16-year-old gay kid in camp?”

BSA have emphasised that sexual behaviour between Scouts of any gender is strictly disallowed.

“America’s youth needs Scouting and we sincerely hope everyone stays with The Boy Scouts of America,” said Deron Smith, a BSA spokesman. “By focusing on the goals that unite us we can continue to accomplish incredible things for young people and the youth we serve.”

Mr Stemberger has yet to pick a name for the group. He is asking supporters to vote for their choice from a list, which includes the Boy Warriors, American Sons of Liberty, and Patriot Rangers.

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