US: Iowa Governor: My state will ‘live with’ the Supreme Court ruling on DOMA

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When asked his opinion on the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act, the Governor of Iowa declined to give a personal opinion, and instead just said that his state would “live with” the decision.

Republican Governor Terry Brandstad said on Monday, that individuals would have to make up their own mind on the issue, and declined to offer a personal opinion.

“I guess it depends upon your perspective and your point of view on those things,” Branstad said during a weekly news conference at the Iowa Capitol. “I guess people can make your their own judgement on that. We’re going to live with the law and make whatever adjustments are necessary.”

The Supreme Court decision on DOMA on Wednesday, will mean that same-sex couples married in Iowa, and all other states that allow same-sex marriage, will be entitled to the same benefits as straight married couples.

“It does have some impacts on people in many different ways,” he said, “and I would let people make their own judgement on that.”

Iowa legalised equal marriage back in 2009, when its Supreme Court found the state’s law defining marriage as between one man and one woman unconstitutional.

Branstad did go on to hint, however, that he may be in support of a referendum on the issue, saying that the federal ruling does allow such a vote on the issue.

“It basically says the federal law is struck down but it’s up to the invidual states,” Branstad said. “And many states have indeed amended their constitution to provide for one-man/one-woman marriage. I’ve always felt the people of Iowa should have the opportunity to vote on that issue.”

On Wednesday, the US Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which federally defined marrage as between one man and one woman. These cases were seen as key in the campaign for equality in the US.


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