Singapore’s first out gay politician urges for repeal of anti-gay laws

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

Singapore’s first openly gay politician says he is hopeful that the state will eventually abolish laws banning homosexuality.

Vincent Wijeysingha of the Singapore Democratic Party told the Associated Press on Monday that society will eventually overcome this question.

“I am entirely convinced the law will eventually be repealed,” Mr Wijeysingha said.

He came out publicly as gay on Friday on his Facebook page ahead of a major LGBT festival.

An estimated 21,000 people attended the Pink Dot event on Saturday, a Singapore LGBT rally where participants dress in pink and hold pink lights. 

Section 377A of the Singapore penal code makes sex between two men punishable by up to two years, although it is rarely enforced.

Oral and anal sex between consenting heterosexual women and lesbians were sanctioned after the penal code was reviewed in 2007.

However, the ban remains in place for men who have sex with men.

In April, Singapore’s High Court r­ejected a petition to repeal Section 377A – the legality of which has been questioned by Gary Lim and Kenneth Chee.

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