Mixed martial arts fighter says UFC boss would ‘have fighters sucking dick’ if he were gay

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The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) has again become embroiled in controversy after one of its fighters said the company’s boss would force the fighters to perform sex acts on him, if he were gay, when commenting on the power he possesses over the organisation.

UFC fighter War Machine, real name Jonathan Koppenhaver, made the comments about UFC boss Dana White, during an interview with Bloody Elbow, reports MMA Fighting, whilst complaining about pay rates for fighters such as himself.

“The UFC is not going to give up any extra money if they don’t have to,” he said.

“They have so much power. God forbid if Dana White was gay. If Dana White was gay, he’d have fighters sucking dick. I guaran-fucking-tee it (sic). If he was gay, every fighter would have to suck his dick to fight. That’s how much power they have. There would be dudes that fight the toughest guys in the world that would get on their knees and suck dick to get into the UFC. It’s the truth. We’re just lucky that Dana White’s not gay.”

He went on to make further complaints about the amount paid to fighters, saying that the solution would be a strike by higher profile mixed martial artists.

“All it takes is for Jon Jones or anyone of these big name guys to be backstage and go, ‘You know what? I’m not gonna fucking fight tonight,” he said.

“I ain’t gonna fight until you guys sit down here, right now, and come to an agreement to pay us fairly.’ I guarantee you what will happen is that all the sudden, we’re going to get paid fairly. It just takes one of these guys that has the power to do it. They need to step up and have some balls. One of these big name guys does it, and it’s a wrap.”

The outspoken fighter, who is also an ex-porn star, previously served a year in San Diego county jail after a felony assault conviction, and recently several more time in Nevada on another assault charge.

The head of the UFC, Dana White, previously commented on a controversy in which a fighter asked whether equal marriage would lead to incest, by saying that he “should leave talking to smart people” and “stick to finger painting”.

The manager of another UFC fighter who was fined $20,000 and suspended for three months for a tweet in which he referred to a fellow fighter as a “fag”, recently said he is not remorseful for the slur.

Another fighter Fallon Fox, in May was forced to come out as transgender, following the discovery of her 2006 gender reassignment surgery by reporters.

The Ultimate Fighting Championship recently moved to suspend one of its fighters Matt Mitrione, after he referred to Fox as “a lying, sick, sociopathic, disgusting freak.”

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