Video: French topless male protesters stage anti-equal marriage D-Day landing protest

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A campaign group formed to protest against recently passed equal marriage legislation in France, has staged a D-Day landing recreation, topless, to show their continued opposition to equal marriage in the country.

Les Hommen posted the video earlier this week, which features the protesters disembarking from an inflatable boat onto the Utah beach.

The men wear blank masks to hide their identity, and unfurl a banner reading: “Liberez Nicolas”, referring to a protester who was jailed for being part of an illegal protest.

Equal marriage opponents in France last month took to the streets on Friday to protest against the prison term given to Nicolas Bernard-Busee, who was part of an illegal anti-equal marriage demonstration, who fled from police, and gave a false identity when caught.

YouTube commenters have noted the video’s particularly homoerotic nature, as the protesters wave flares and hold up the sign. One user asked: “…So, where’s their ‘girlfriends’?”

The group was formed to counter pro-equality and human rights group Femen, a Ukrainian all female campaign group, who often protest topless, and pushed for equal marriage to be passed in France.

The men first declared “No to Gay Marriage” by taking their shirts off in the streets, as a demonstration of how the government’s push for marriage equality was threatening their freedom.

Femen have staged topless demonstrations for equality in front of Russian President Vladimir PutinPope emeritus Benedict XVI, and in Notre Dame Cathedral, Hommen staged protests against equal marriage in the streets of Saint-Lazare.

Following months of sometimes violent protests, and a substantial rise in homophobic attacks, French President Hollande signed the law making France the fourteenth country in the world to allow equal marriage, back in May.

After the ceremony, whilst opening mail regarding the passing of equal marriage, government officials found threats, including a package of faeces addressed to Montpellier’s mayor.

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