Christian Concern cancels rally, conceding that God does not have the power to halt equal marriage bill

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Christian Concern has announced that an anti-equal marriage rally planned for Monday to pray that the equal marriage bill for England and Wales would not pass has been cancelled.

Despite previously saying that “God has the power to change things around,” in an announcement on its website, the anti-gay organisation admitted not having realised that the bill would not be voted on, and that it was likely to pass through its Third Reading.

The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill, passed Report Stage this week, and will go on to its Third Reading in the House of Lords on Monday 15 July.

We’re sorry to inform you that after much consideration we have decided to cancel the prayer gathering we had organised for Monday (15th July), as it now appears there will not be a vote at the third reading of the same sex marriage bill on Monday and what happens on that day in the House of Lords will be a mere formality. We have therefore decided not to gather on Monday but to conserve energy for a future occasion.

We are resolute in our determination to keep standing for real marriage. We will never give up speaking about God’s good pattern for his creation.

We’re obviously disappointed but take comfort from Jesus’ words: “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

Please keep praying for our politicians, our church and for our nation, and thank you for standing with us.

On announcing the prayer rally, Christian Concern had launched a video featuring images of some of the UK’s most vocal critics of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill for England and Wales, such as Conservative MP David Burrowes.

It said: “But we know that God is sovereign and has the power to change things around. We also know that continuing to stand for marriage is the compassionate thing to do. God’s pattern for marriage and family is good for adults, good for children and good for society. When Jesus spoke about marriage, he upheld God’s design of one man and one woman”.

A pro-equal marriage rally is still set to take place from 11am on Monday, where campaigners will be joined by the London Gay Men’s Chorus, and the London Big Gay Band for entertainment.

Out4Marriage is encouragng people to lobby peers to support the reform via the Lobby A Lord website.

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