Exclusive: Hollywood actor Alan Cumming says It’s Time for equal marriage in Scotland

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In a video recorded in New York’s Time Square for the Equality Network’s It’s Time campaign, Hollywood actor Alan Cumming urges Scotland to following England and Wales in legalising equal marriage.

The 48-year-old Perthshire-born bisexual star is famous for his roles in X Men, The Good Wife, and his hit Broadway version of Macbeth.

“I support equal marriage because I think equality is great, marriage is great, and everyone in Scotland should have the right to get married. It’s 2013 – come on people,” the actor said in his video.

“The reason equal marriage is so important to me is that I’m Scottish. I come from a country where I believe that people are fair and decent, and treat everyone equally, and we are talking a lot right now – there’s a lot of rhetoric about – how Scotland is going to be a fairer place in the future. Well it should be a fairer place for everyone right now.”

He added: “Over the next few months the Scottish Parliament is going to be discussing equal marriage, and what you need to do is contact your MSP and make sure they’re going to vote the right way – the good and decent and Scottish way.”

Cumming is originally from Aberfeldy but currently lives in Manhattan with his husband, the graphic artist Grant Shaffer, who he married after New York passed same-sex marriage in 2011. The actor and Shaffer had originally entered into a civil partnership in 2007.

Retaining his British citizenship, Cumming became a naturalised US citizen in November 2008.

Breakfast TV star Lorraine Kellythe leader of the Scottish Conservatives Ruth Davidson, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie and former Scottish Socialist Party MSP Colin Fox have all recorded videos for the Equality Network’s It’s Time campaign.

The campaign is modelled on PinkNews’ Out4Marriage campaign.

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