Alec Baldwin is ‘shocked’ by negative reaction to ‘toxic little queen’ comments

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Actor Alec Baldwin, who sent a string of homophobic tweets to a British journalist last month, has said that he is “shocked” that one reporter decided to call the incident “despicable.”

Speaking as a guest on Howard Stern’s US radio show on Monday, Alec Baldwin said that he was “shocked” by comments from the CNN host Anderson Cooper, who disapproved of his homophobic outburst on Twitter.

Last month, Baldwin issued a number of tweets against the Daily Mail reporter George Stark, calling him a “toxic little queen” and urging his followers to “straighten out this fucking little bitch.”

Anderson Cooper tweeted as a response to the outburst: “Why does #AlecBaldwin get a pass when he uses gay slurs? If a conservative talked of beating up a ‘queen’ they would be vilified.”

When asked about the situation by Howard Stern on radio, Baldwin began to say: “Anderson Cooper decides to, to, to, to…”

“He attacked you!” Stern interrupted.

Baldwin said: “Whatever word you want to use, I’m not going to say ‘attacked.’ That was the one that shocked me the most.”

The radio host explained: “Anderson Cooper said that he felt that you were being homophobic in your comments on Twitter.”

“But he used another word. He used ‘despicable,'” Baldwin added.

Continuing his complaint against the reporter, he said: “What i realise about him is, everybody in media, they have a job to do.

“Anderson Cooper has a job to do. And that job is to try to reinforce his credibility in the gay community after the fact that you couldn’t get him out of the closet for 10 years with a canister of tear gas.

“Now he’s the sheriff. Now he’s running around writing everybody a ticket.”

Last Month, Baldwin issued an open letter to GLAAD to apologise for his homophobic comments, in which he wrote:

“My ill-advised attack on George Stark of the Daily Mail had absolutely nothing to do with issues of anyone’s sexual orientation.

“My anger was directed at Mr Stark for blatantly lying and disseminating libelous information about my wife and her conduct at our friend’s funeral service. As someone who fights against homophobia, I apologize.”

About a week later, Baldwin decided to close his Twitter account.

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