President Robert Mugabe: We should ‘chop off’ gay men’s heads

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Zimbabwe’s president has reportedly urged for the heads of gay men to be chopped off and now says gay people are worse than “pigs, goats and birds”.

In a speech on Tuesday to Zanu PF supporters President Robert Mugabe criticised Barack Obama for linking foreign aid to the protection of gay rights.

It’s now been reported by NewsDay Zimbabwe that Mugabe said: “If you take men and lock them in a house for five years and tell them to come up with two children and they fail to do that, then we will chop off their heads.

“This thing [homosexuality] seeks to destroy our lineage by saying John and John should wed, Maria and Maria should wed. Imagine this son born out of an African father, [US President Barrack] Obama says if you want aid, you should accept the homosexuality practice. Aah, we will never do that.”

Male same-sex sexual activity is illegal in Zimbabwe and since 1995 the government has carried out campaigns against gay men and lesbians.

Mugabe, president since 1987, has been a staunch promoter of homophobic persecution.

He marked his 88th birthday party in February 2012 by urging gay people to go to “hell” in a public speech.

Pope Francis was criticised for greeting the 89-year-old at the pontiff’s inauguration mass in March.



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