App launched for football fans and players to report homophobic abuse

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An organisation established by the Football Association to eradicate abuse in football including homophobia, will launch a new mobile app which will allow players and fans to report racist or homophobic abuse.

The app will be launched by the FA’s Kick it Out campaign, tomorrow, and replaces its previous campaign “two weeks of action”.

Kick It Out chairman Lord Herman Ouseley said: “Now if players have got a problem they will be able to contact us directly and, if they wish, anonymously, and we will follow through on the complaint.”

The app will allow fans and players to directly report abuse to Kick It Out, which will in turn follow up with the football authorities, and if necessary, the police.

The change of direction was borne out of issues raised around the John Terry and Luis Suarez racism case, which included criticism of Kick It Out by some players.

The outcome was a drive for Kick It Out to take more responsibility in tackling racist and homophobic discriminatio in football.

Former Dutch national team, and Ipswich Town footballer Martjin Reuser at the weekend said he would be among other high-profile Dutch footballers to join in the parade at Amsterdam Pride this weekend.



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