US teacher: ‘Gay-inclusive curricula are like teaching children how to use crack’

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

Speaking on a Christian radio programme, a South Carolina teacher and pastor has likened curricula which are inclusive of LGBT people to “teaching people how to use crack”.

Ira Thomas appeared on the American Family Association radio show hosted by Sandy Rios, and made the comments about the National Education Association (NEA).

Both the host and her guest criticised the NEA for its pro-LGBT, and gay-inclusive stance, reports Right Wing Watch.

Thomas atteneded the NEA convention in Atlanta recently, and said that he is “accused of hating”, because he opposes the stance accepting of gay people, which he dubbed “indoctrination plans”.

He said: “To me it’s like teaching people about how to use crack. It’s a dangerous game to play on,”

Rios also commented, saying: “I think that we can lay at the feet of the National Education Association the reason why this culture has been slouching toward Gomorrah,” she said. “The NEA has been for the last twenty years indoctrinating our children.”

The show’s host is known for her extremely anti-gay rhetoric, and in February blamed LGBT inclusive education programs in the US public education system on a decline in grade averages. 

Earlier in February Ms Rios, on the announcement that the Boy Scouts of America would delay its vote on gay members, suggested that gay men would only want to be Scout Leaders in order to “be around boys”, and suggested a link between paedophilia and homosexuality, saying “gay men love youth”. 

She also hosted anti-gay evangelist, Scott Lively, who said that he though gay rights were bringing the “wrath” of God, which is a sign that the world is nearing the “End Days”, just like before Noah’s flood.

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