Sweden: Topless activists storm Russian Embassy in protest at Russia’s anti-gay laws

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Two topless activists climbed over a fence into the Russian Embassy in Stockholm on Thursday to protest against the country’s homophobic censorship laws.

According to the Associated Press, police were called to the embassy in the morning to remove the activists.

The two women, linked to the Ukrainian feminist group Femen, waved a rainbow flag outside the embassy’s grounds and carried a sign saying: “homosexual propaganda on Russian ground.”

They were released by police after confessing to trespassing.

Later on Thursday, around 200 people took part in a peaceful protest outside the embassy.

Stockholm Pride is taking place this week with a special focus on the plight of LGBT Russians.

Yesterday, a protest was staged outside the Russian Consulate in New York.

Staff from a gay bar were seen pouring bottles of Vodka down drains as an act of defiance.

Several gay bars in the US, UK and around the world have decided to boycott Russian Vodka in a campaign against homophobia by the Russian state.

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